Ministry of Labour

The Republic of The Union of Myanmar


Settlement of Labour Affairor

from (1-11-2018) to (30-11-2018) more detail..
from (1-10-2018) to (31-10-2018) more detail..
from (1-9-2018) to (30-9-2018) more detail..
from (1-8-2018) to (31-8-2018) more detail..
from (1-7-2018) to (30-7-2018) more detail..
from (16-6-2018) to (30-6-2018) more detail..
from (1-6-2018) to (15-6-2018) more detail..
from (16-5-2018) to (30-5-2018) more detail..
from (1-5-2018) to (15-5-2018) more detail..
from (16-4-2018) to (30-4-2018) more detail..
from (1-4-2018) to (15-4-2018) more detail..
from (16-3-2018) to (30-3-2018) more detail..
from (1-3-2018) to (15-3-2018) more detail..
from (16-2-2018) to (28-2-2018) more detail..
from (1-2-2018) to (15-2-2018) more detail..
from (16-1-2018) to (31-1-2018) more detail..
from (1-1-2018) to (15-1-2018) more detail..
from (16-12-2017) to (31-12-2017) more detail..
from (1-12-2017) to (15-12-2017) more detail..
from (16-11-2017) to (30-11-2017) more detail..
from (1-11-2017) to (15-7-2017) more detail..